Building The House of God

How Building God’s House led me to His Throne Room.

Dear Brothers and sisters, I would like to share with you this strange experience that happened to me in October 2012, maybe it will strengthen you as you serve the Lord. God called my wife to leave all her businesses in Kampala City, Uganda, and take the light of Jesus Christ back to her home village far away, near Kiwoko Town, Nakaseke District.

It was very difficult for her and our family but in the end she obeyed and started a wooden church in this area in May 2009. While I was building a house of residence for her near this church in early 2012 I realized that her house was more beautiful than the wooden church. Then I heard a voice, in my inner spirit, from heaven saying: “How can you build a beautiful house for your wife when my house is so ugly?”   Then that night, in a dream, I actually saw that this wooden church looked like a very dirty stinking pig’s house. W

hen I woke up I firmly decided to build God a new House at the same location, no matter how much it would cost me. The problem was that most of the members in this church are from very low income homes. Total collections (tithes and offerings) from a well attended Sunday service average Uganda Shs. 20,000 (about US $10) only. So I told my wife not to make any collections for constructing the new church. I requested so because until God reveals it to someone, many Christians find building God’s house a great burden.
I did not want the house of God to be a house of pain to this young church. I said to myself: I will use my salary and any contributions from friends to do this work. The picture of the church before and soon after work started is indicated in figure

Figure 1: The wooden church (left) and the upcoming brick wall for the new Church (right)

Figure 1: The wooden church (left) and the upcoming brick wall for the new Church (right)
Figure 2: The New Church after completion.

The New Church after completion

With a lot of determination, the church was roofed in September 2012. I wanted to make this church, especially the inside, as beautiful as possible so that whenever the  Holy Spirit  comes He finds a very beautiful place to stay (see figure 2). As builders were working on the pulpit area, I sat nearby and said to myself: “If the Holy Spirit is a person, then he must be having a place of residence in heaven from where he comes to visit us on earth. I wish I knew how the residence of the Holy Spirit in heaven looks like so that I make a beautiful place for him when He comes to this church we are building”

The Vision

I did not know that God had seen the very thoughts and the desires I had in my heart. Then at night, around 5 am on Saturday 6 October 2012 during a deep sleep I had a very strange vision. In this dream I suddenly found myself near a heavenly door which opened by itself. When I peeped inside everything was so white, clean, and spotless. I have never seen such white here on earth. A piece of white printing paper would look very dirty in that room. When I looked further inside I saw a very long hall (about 40km/25 miles long). Inside that hall was a huge and long bed with a super-white bed-cover. Seated on top of this bed, in a triangular formation, were  three persons. The central person faced me while the other two had their backs towards me (see figure 3). There was no other person in this room, not even angels, just only those three persons. These three persons were casually conversing with each other but I could not hear what they were talking about. The central person who was facing me looked like a Head of State (President of a country) but the spirit within me told me: “You are looking at God the Father; the other two persons are the Son and the Holy Spirit”. From this vision I realized that the Father is always in fellowship with our Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit because in this vision they were continuously conversing with each other.

10 reasons God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are inseparable
Figure 3: The three persons I saw in this dream (My son drew this picture for me after describing to him my dream).


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