The weapon that Jesus gave us

By Makko Musagara

Dear child of God, we are living at the end of time. Jesus wants everyone who has called on his name to make it to heaven after life on Earth. Do not miss your magnificent house that God has prepared for your eternal life in Heaven. In the latter part of this vision, Jesus shows you how you can be protected yourself from temptations and trials while you are still here on earth.

Always choose to depend on God.

Many Christians depend on their human strength and wisdom to cope with temptations and trials. They eventually succumb to sin and, after the trials are over, they lose their faith in God. Jesus was powerfully anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit, but in everything he did, he always depended on our Heavenly Father. God condemns those who put their trust in human strength and wisdom. He compares them to bushes growing in the dry desert, on salty soil where nothing else grows. Nothing good happens to them. But God blesses those who trust him. They are like a tree planted near the waters, And which spreads its roots towards the current; he does not perceive the heat when it comes; And it never stops bearing fruit. (Jeremiah 17: 5-8).


Despite his busy life on earth and the crowds that followed him constantly, Jesus always found time  to talk to our Heavenly Father. He always woke up very early before sunrise, he found a solitary place and he prayed to God (Mark 1:35).

Jesus Christ spoke to our Father about many things that he could not manage by himself; and he interceded a lot both for the lost souls and for those who had accepted the Good News of the kingdom of God. God has provided everything, but we can only receive his blessings by going to him in faith through prayer. Prayer gives us access to the presence of God where we can live in unbroken communion with him and where all our needs are met. As we approach God in prayer, He also approaches us.

Jesus sees everything going on in heaven. He saw Satan asking God to grant him permission to severely tempt the disciples. The moment Jesus saw that Satan had received this authority; he did something of great importance. He said:

“But I prayed for you… ”Luke 22:32.

Jesus pleaded with God, in intercessory prayer, that Simon is not severely tempted. He prayed to our Father asking him to help the disciples maintain their faith. He prayed that they would not lose their faith when they were tempted. Prayer changed the fate of Peter and all the disciples. If Jesus had not prayed, these saints, especially Simon Peter, would have been severely tempted and many would have lost their faith in Jesus.

All  this implies that there is great power in prayer. There is so much power that many times when we pray, God can even change the decisions he has already made in his mind. God had decided in his mind to destroy the children of Israel because of their rebellion. But when Moses prayed, God listened and he changed his intentions (Exodus 32: 7-14).

Here is the weapon that Jesus gave us.

We now come to the most important part of this message. Many Christians pray but they don’t know how to pray. As a result, they are constantly grappling with temptations in their lives. The disciples of Jesus faced the same problem until they found that Jesus was always victorious over Satan and sin. They knew that his prayers were the most effective. 

So one day they asked him to teach them how to pray. Jesus made a very simple prayer, but a very powerful weapon against the accusations of Satan. We have already seen in Matthew 4: 1 that God led Jesus to the devil to be tempted.

We have also seen that God can do the same for Christians today. God can lead believers to the devil to be tempted.

Therefore, in response to their request, Jesus commanded his disciples to always pray to our Heavenly Father not to lead them into situations of temptation. He commanded his disciples to always pray to Heavenly Father as follows:

Forgive us our sins,
    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.[A] AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION.

Luke 11:4NIV

[This was the seventh and  last scripture that the Lord presented in this Vision]


No one in heaven and on earth knows the nature of God our Father better than our Lord Jesus Christ. When Jesus tells us that this little prayer can protect us from the powers of Satan, believe him. By asking God the Father not to lead you into temptation, you are saying:

  1. My Father do not listen to Satan’s accusations against me.
  2. Don’t give the Devil permission to tempt me.
  3. Don’t lead me to Satan to be tempted.

God is merciful. He will listen to you. Satan will be denied permission to tempt you. This is the key to avoiding the temptations and trials in your life. May all Christians always pray to Heavenly Father that he does not lead them to the Devil to be tempted. Since Satan continually accuses believers before God, let us also continually plead with our Father that he does not lead us into situations of temptation.

God led Jesus to Satan only once.

During his ministry on earth, our God the Father led Jesus to the devil to be tempted only once – shortly after his baptism. And it was for useful purposes. Jesus did not like the experience of the devil tempting.. Therefore, after overcoming all these temptations, Jesus always prayed to our Father every night not to lead him again to the devil to be tempted. Our Father always heard his prayer. He never again led Jesus to the devil to be tempted. Drawing lessons from Jesus’s experience, let us be sure that there is great power in the prayer Jesus gave us. Many believers have forgotten the Lord’s Prayer, not knowing that it is the foundation of all other prayers. There is great power in the Lord’s Prayer. The power that helps you defeat Satan.

You can have your own arguments against Jesus’ instructions about prayer. If you feel that you cannot ask God not to lead you into temptation, then brace yourself for all kinds of temptations and trials. And when they come to you, know that you will face them with your own abilities because you would have already refused God’s help.

Do you know that Satan can succeed in asking God’s permission to tempt you in your relationships, your finances, your health, your job, your ministry and even the life in you? You may be seriously looking for something from God. Satan can get permission to hinder its provision and if you are not firm, you can lose your faith and return to the world.

Many Christians struggle with sin in their lives without knowing that there is a way to prevent it long before it happens. Pray to God daily that he does not lead you into temptation. He will deny Satan permission to tempt you. You will overcome all temptations and glory will go to God.


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