The Devil hates prayer, and he will do anything to prevent you from praying. In this article I present to you 13 things Satan does to keep you from praying.
Sleeping too much.
The Devil can make you sleep too much to prevent you from praying.
A worried person finds if difficult to pray. Satan will bring worries into your life to prevent you from praying. God tells us to go in prayer without worry. Listen to what the Bible tells us:
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God.
There we will receive his mercy,
and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.
Hebrews 4:16
Doubting God.
The Devil can make you think that God is not listening to your prayers. This doubt will prevent you from praying.
An angry person finds it difficult to pray. Satan can bring anger into your life to prevent you from praying.
A bitter heart.
A person with a bitter heart finds it difficult to pray. Satan can bring bitterness into your heart to prevent you from praying. You have to forgive if you want God to listen to your prayers.
Getting you occupied with other activities.
Satan can make you fully occupied with other activities to prevent you from praying.
Your smartphone.
Being on the smartphone all the time has prevented many Christians from praying.
Satan can make you sin against God and then make you feel unworthy to go before God.
Satan may overwhelm you with many problems that will prevent you from praying.
The Devil may bring sickness into your life that may prevent you from praying.
Lack of a place for prayer.
Satan may deceive you that you have no place where you can pray. The truth is that there are many places near you where you can isolate yourself and pray.
Reminding you your bad past.
Satan may remind you of your bad past to demobilize your prayer efforts.
Obstructions preventing prayer.
Satan may cause obstructions like noise, phones calls, visitors, crying children, loud music, and security issues that may prevent you from praying.
13 things Satan does to keep you from praying.
Patricia Clark
These distractions are all good and have happened to me. What helps me is knowing that Satan wins when we actually do stop. That alone can be turned into a victory for him. I recently am increasing the number of daily rosaries and using scriptures to inspire me to stay focused. It is very helpful but I credit the Holy Spirit Who keeps me going. The spiritual warfare is on. In the current climate satan is turning up the heat so we have to take God more seriously. He needs us all to STAND. Yesterday I eased into four daily rosaries. You will receive inspiration and grace to push forward. I do get distracted but I bring myself to the task at hand and gratefully go immediately into another set of beads to keep the momentum. I have dropped playing solitaire online and replaced it with purposeful praying instead. To be honest, I get a lot more out of praying. Now I look for setting aside time to pray. I use youtube rosary video presentations for encouragement. Praying the rosery outloud is another delight. I am speaking directly to God with a fervent heart. Nothing in this world compares to investing in my own salvation and believing that Jesus paid for my sins with His suffering. I want Him to know I LOVE and appreciate His effort. The habit of constant prayer leads to more desire for prayer. JOIN ME! We are witnessing for God. Satan, you and your strongholds are going DOWN! Jesus I M 4 U!