The spiritual causes of divorce.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, your husband or wife may not be the problem as you think. This article shows you the spiritual causes of divorce. Not everyone wishes your marriage well. You must first … Continued

On this day 33,000 Palestinians died because of only one Jew

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, never before have so many Palestinians died in a single day. In this article, learn about the day 33,000 Palestinians died because of a single Jew. How the Jewish Man … Continued

Ten signs of witchcraft attack.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, witchcraft is real and it can have negative impact upon you, your family, and your properties. This article  presents to you ten signs of witchcraft attack. 1. Unexplained sickness. First, … Continued

Most demons enter your body through your feet

    Makko Musagara May the glory of God cover the entire earth.       Dear reader, the Lord has asked me to bring this truth to your attention. Most demons enter your body through your feet. It doesn’t … Continued

Seven good reasons to pray before sleeping.

      Makko Musagara May the glory of God fill the whole earth.     Dear reader, it is dangerous for you to fall asleep without praying to our Heavenly Father. Here are seven good reasons to pray before … Continued

The spiritual meaning of lack of sleep

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, please wait before taking any sleeping pill. You are urged to first read this article on the spiritual meaning of lack of sleep. You may be under spiritual attack. First … Continued

The mighty power of the 5:00 am prayer

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, if you want your new day to go according to God’s plans,  you must get out of bed at 5:00 am to pray.  In fact, this article shows you the … Continued

Demons that attack Christians on the first day of each month

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, today is the first day of the month. Accordingly, the Lord woke me up shortly after midnight for a mission. God asked me to write about the demons that attack Christians on … Continued

Satan has placed his trusted agents in many maternity wards.

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, you will not find what you are about to read in any medical publication. This article is spiritual and shows you why Satan has placed his trusted agents in many maternity … Continued