The danger of a devout Christian marrying a non-believer.

    Makko Musagara     To begin with, expect problems if a devout Christian marries a non-beliver. This article shows the danger of a devout Christian marrying a non-believer. You annoy God. First of all, you annoy God if … Continued

Offer God your personal worship and see what happens!

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, do you feel spiritually weak? Then, offer God your personal worship and see what happens! Personal worship invites God’s presence. First, when you opt to worship God, then,the spirit of our Heavenly … Continued

Sacrifice your sleep for prayer and see the good results.

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, are you looking for a holy sacrifice to God?  Then sacrifice your sleep for prayer and see the good results. Your principal enemy Satan does  not sleep. First, if you are a … Continued

You cannot fight Satan without Jesus Christ.

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, are you in a spiritual combat with the devil and demons? Then, you cannot fight Satan without Jesus Christ. Satan and some demons are so powerful. To begin with, as you fight … Continued

Demons attacking Christians on the first day of the year

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, the first day of each year is significant in the kingdom of Satan. This article shows you the demons attacking Christians on the first day of the year. Why the first day … Continued

Satan does this to prevent you from remembering your dreams.

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, the devil and demons know that God interacts with you through dreams. Therefore, Satan does this to prevent you from remembering your dreams. Suddenly, something disturbs your sleep. It may be that … Continued