This happened to my wife when God’s angel sounded the trumpet.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, I would like to share with you this supernatural vision in which God’s judgement took place. This happened to my wife when God’s angel sounded the trumpet. This was a … Continued

Four signs that God will use you greatly in the future.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, Heavenly Father intends to use many people. This article presents four signs that God will use you greatly in the future. 1. Prophecy. Many years ago, I was a confused … Continued

The six pastors who have unknowingly signed pacts with Satan

     Makko  Musagara       Dear reader, because of their great desire for fame and glory, some Christians have unknowingly entered the devil’s territory. As a result, these six pastors have unknowingly signed pacts with Satan. 1. Pastors … Continued

These ten pastors will never enter heaven

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, entering heaven is not as easy as many Christians think. In this artcle I show you that these ten pastors will never enter heaven. 1. Pastors who use demonic powers … Continued

The reason why one night God kicked me out of my bed

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, the mysteries surrounding God and His kingdom will never cease. In this article, I show you the reason why one night God kicked me out of my bed. I started … Continued

Six earthly recognitions a Christian must never accept

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, if you are a Christian, there are certain recognitions that you should never accept because heaven will not reward you. Here are six earthly recognitions that a Christian should never accept. … Continued

The Four Christians Preaching the Gospel in Hell

    Makko Musagara     Can the gospel of Jesus Christ be preached in hell fire? If you have any doubts, you must read about these four Christians preaching the Gospel in hell. 1. Sinful preachers who die without … Continued

Seven Bible verses inviting women to preach God’s word

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, our Heavenly Father calls all women to serve him. This article presents seven Bible verses inviting women to preach the word of God. Christianinty started in a region where women … Continued

Six ways God warns sinful pastors.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, our Heavenly Father always warns pastors who have gone astray. This article presents six ways God warns sinful pastors. Why God cares about sinful pastors. Our Heavenly Father is concerned … Continued