Dear reader, the ways of God are mysterious, and for this reason many people in the world today will object if you tell them that they will be mightily used by God.
In this article, I show you three signs that you will be great in the Kingdom of God.
A celestial light.
Everyone who will be great in the Kingdom of God carries a heavenly light that can only be seen with spiritually discerning eyes.
Since it is very difficult for an ordinary person to see such heavenly light, many people cannot understand God’s purposes for their lives.
When Jesus Christ was born, Joseph and Mary could not see the heavenly light around the baby Jesus. This light was seen only by the wise men (Magi) who had a spirit of discernment (see Matthew 2:1-2).
The Magi acted accordingly because they understood that this child would be great in the Kingdom of God.
Spiritual battles.
The devil and demons operate spiritually, and for this reason they see the heavenly light around a person who will be great in God’s Kingdom.
They will fight to see that God’s purposes will not fulfilled in the life of that person.
This is exactly what happened when Jesus Christ was born. Many children of Jesus’s age were killed because the devil wanted to destroy Jesus (see Matthew 2:16-18).
Fortunately, our Father in Heaven saved his life.
Problems in life.
Many people in the world today are suffering because they are not aware that they are destined to become great in God’s Kingdom.
If they knew God’s intentions, they would seek his purposes through prayer, reading his written word in the Bible, attending church services, and fasting.
Talk to our Father heavenly Father.
To know God’s purposes for your life, start speaking to our heavenly Father through prayer. Ask him what his will for your life is.
God will show you, in one way or another, what his will for your life is.
3 Signs that you will be great in God’s Kingdom.
Thank you Brother Makko for all the efforts that you put in writing these blogs. Ever since I started reading them my understanding of the spiritual world has been deepened. May God continue to give the strength to write more and more insightful, fulfilling and blessed blogs.
Thank you ????
Makko Musagara
You are welcome. Let God’s light shine in your life, and to the whole world. My prayer is that you make it to Heaven.
Thank you ??
Thank you ??