Dear reader, sometimes our Lord Jesus Christ cries in heaven when he sees what is happening in the churches on earth. This article shows you three things that have hurt Jesus Christ in most churches.
1. Preferential treatment of certain church members.
First, our Lord Jesus is hurt by pastors who treat their church members differently. For example, in most churches, we find that wealthy members occupy the best seats or the front seats.
As a result, with a tearful heart, Jesus Christ asks:
Why do you isolate the poor? Who will ever recognise the poor person? This hurts me a lot because it brings divisions in my church.
2. Unnecessary special attention given to the pastor.

Second, our Lord Jesus Christ is hurt by the unnecessay special attention given to most pastors. And Jesus reminds all of us that whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
During my ministry on earth I was God but
I was never bothered by the blessed life I used to enjoy in heaven.
We shared the same food with my disciples. I slept where my disciples slept, and we were always like one person.
So why do some pastors always crave for special attention? This hurts me a lot.
3. Churches that fail to win new souls for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ is disappointed that many churches are not making any effort to win new souls for the Kingdom of Heaven.
In relation to this matter, listen to what our Lord Jesus Christ is saying:
If Churches don’t care about the lost souls, then who else will be bothered?
Therefore go out and preach to the unsaved souls, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Teach them to obey everything our Lord Jesus Christ has commanded us to do. And surely Jesus will be with you always, to the very end of the age.
3 Things that hurt Jesus Christ in most churches.