Dear reader, Satan and demons are always seaching for any door to destroy a persons life. In relation to this matter, this article presents to you 5 relationships that will invite ferocious demons into someone’s life.
1. A sexual relation with your brother or sister.
First of all, fierce demons will enter into anyone who sleeps with their brother or sister. Also, these demons will not stop there, because they will also attack their children and grandchildren because it is written in Leviticus 18:9 that:
Do not have sexual relations with your sister, either your father’s daughter or your mother’s daughter, whether she was born in the same home or elsewhere.
2. A sexual relation with your daughter-in-law.
Second, demons will attack any man who sleeps with his daughter-in-law. Likewise, the same type of demons will also enter into any woman who sleeps with her father-in-law for it is written in Leviticus 18:15 that:
Do not have sexual relations with your daughter-in-law. She is your son’s wife; do not have relations with her.
3. Having sexual relations with both a woman and her daughter.
Thirdly, demons will fiercely attack any man who sleeps with both a woman and her daughter. Also, the same type of demons will also attack the woman and her daughter for it is written in Leviticus 18:17 that:
Do not have sexual relations with both a woman and her daughter.
4. Having a sexual relation with your neighbor’s wife.
Fourth, angry demons will attack any man who sleeps with his neighbor’s wife. In this context, a neighbor can also refer to a friend or a person you know well.
And the same demons will also attack the concerned woman because it is written in Leviticus 18:20 that:
Do not have sexual relations with your neighbor’s wife and defile yourself with her.
5. Sexual relations with animals.
Furthermore, ferocious demons will attack any man or woman who sleeps with an animal. Similarly the same demons will also attack their children and grand children for it is written in Leviticus 18:23 that:
Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.
All the persons mentioned in this article can only be delivered from these angry demons through repentance and deliverance using the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please read the entire chapter of Leviticus 18 to see other sexual relationships not mentioned in this article.
Rebecca Tucker