Dear reader, just as a perfume can remain in a piece of cloth for weeks or months, negative spiritual powers from the owner can actually linger in clothes for years. To illustrate this fact, even if you wash a cloth a hundred times, this spiritual power can stay and have an impact.
The spiritual power that remained in Elijah’s coat.
As an example, the Bible mentions an incident where spiritual power remained in Elijah’s coat and his successor, Elisha, used this supernatural power to perform a miracle.
Listen to what the Bible says about this incident:
Elijah’s coat had fallen to the ground, so Elisha picked it up.
He went back and stood at the edge of the Jordan River.
He hit the water and said, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?”
Just as Elisha hit the water, the water separated to the right and to the left!
Then Elisha crossed the river.
2 Kings 2:13-14

In this article I show you six negative spiritual powers you can inherit by wearing the clothes of another person.
The spirit of poverty.
If you wear the clothes of a person who had a spirit of poverty, that spirit can follow you all your life. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can wash away that curse.
The spirit of sickness.
By wearing the clothes of another person, you can unknowingly easily pick up the sicknesses that were affecting the owner. Only Jesus Christ can break the curse of sickness.
The spirit of misfortunes.
If the owner had misfortunes, you can easily pick up this curse if you wear her clothes. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can take away this curse.
If the owner of the clothes was depressed, you can easily be depressed also if you wear his clothes.
The spirit of sexual immorality.
The spirits of sexual immorality can easily possess and own you if the owner was participating in sexually immoral acts.
Suicide or Death.
By putting on the clothes of another person you can unknowingly wear the the spirit of suicide or death.
6 Curses resulting from wearing someone else’s clothes.