Dear reader, every Christian is a minister of God. And no minister of God should take any alcoholic drink. This article shows you the six dangers if a Christian drinks an alcoholic drink.
1. God consecrated you before you were born.
First of all, if you believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, you should know that Heavenly Father dedicated you to do his work long before you were born.
Listen to what the written word of God says in Jeremiah 1:5:
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument],
And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own].
2. God has called every Christian to serve Him.
Second, God has called every Christian to serve him. And it is because of this calling that God wants every true Christian to abstain from alcohol.
Listen to what the written word of God says in Judges 13:4:
Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean.
3. You will no longer hear the voice of God.
Additionally, since every Christian is called to serve God, if that person drinks an alcoholic beverage, they will no longer hear God’s voice.
4. You will begin to hear the voice of Satan.
Fourth, when a Christian takes alcohol, he opens the door to Satan and begins to hear voices and instructions from demons.
It is these voices that will lead a Christian to hell.
5. The Holy Spirit will flee your body.
Furthermore, if a true follower of our Lord Jesus Christ takes alcohol, God’s presence will gradually move away from that person.
6. Your spiritual discernment will be distorted.
Also, when a Christian is sober, then they can discern Godly things correctly by clearly perceiving what is true, right, and essential.
Unfortunately, your spiritual discernment will change negatively after having an alcoholic beverage. The devil and demons will take advantage of this situation to prevent the Christian from entering heaven.
6 Dangers if a Christian takes an alcoholic drink.