Any pastor who fails to bring lost souls to Jesus Christ has ulterior motives and belongs to Satan’s kingdom. This article introduces you to 6 prominent pastors who have never brought a single soul to Christ
1. Pastors who will never give an altar call.
First, the purpose of every Christian ministry is to bring unbelievers to our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, if church services always end without a pastor making an altar call, then that pastor has other motives. That pastor has no passion for winning souls and promoting the kingdom of God on earth.
2. Pastors who drive members of their congregation into sin.
Second, there are pastors who cause some members of their congregation to sin. These pastors do not care about the salvation of souls at all. Their job is to destroy the kingdom of God.
3. Pastors who will never witness to any individual.
Third, there are pastors who never talk about salvation to anyone, including those who come to visit them. They do not care about lost souls but always focus on the pulpit of the church.
4. Pastors who do not send out their teams to the community.
Furthermore, if a pastor does not go into the community, why does he not send his teams into the community to speak salvation to the lost souls? If a pastor sends teams into hospitals, prisons, transportation terminals, and other public places, the new souls saved will be counted on him.
5. Pastors who do not pray for the salvation of souls.
The salvation of souls begins with prayer for unbelievers. The Church prays that our Heavenly Father will remove the chains of the devil from these lost souls. Therefore, any pastor who does not pray for lost souls is not contributing to the expansion of the kingdom of God.
6. Pastors with scandals.
Finally, how do you expect pagans to come to Jesus Christ when a pastor is tarnished by scandals on a daily basis? Instead, unbelievers will be turned away from that pastor and Jesus Christ.
Six pastors who have never brought a single soul to Christ.