Dear reader, sometimes people blame their enemies, or the devil for the obstruction of their plans. They don’t know that our Father in Heaven may be the real force behind this interference.
God’s roadblocks can be a strong warning that he does not approve of your plans.
In this article I show you 6 signs that God is opposing your plans.
Transport failure.
God can cause transport failure to show that he is not happy with your plans. This happened to a man who was on his way to curse the children of Israeli ( see Numbers 22:21-39).
Rejection of your suggestions, requests or applications.
Sometimes it is God our Father who is behind the rejection, by another person, of your suggestions or requests. This happens a lot for young people seeking marriage partners.
A rejection may indicate that God has something better for you.
Feeling that you don’t want to do something.
If God does not approve of your plans, the Holy Spirit will put into your mind ideas preventing you from proceeding with your intentions.
Some accidents happen because God is opposing some individual’s plans. This is exactly what happened to the ship that was carrying away rebellious Jonah.
God did not want Jonah to go to Tarshis, so he brought a violent storm that almost broke this ship into two.
Activities that divert your attention.
Many people in U.S.A survived death on 9/11 because of unusual activities that attracted their attention. God was opposing their travel to places of death.
Strange dreams.
A dream may come as a warning from God to stop you from proceeding with your plans. This is exactly what happened to Abimelek who wanted to sleep with a married woman (see Genesis 20:1-17).
6 signs that God is against your plans.