Dear reader, I would like to share with you six spiritual forces that have always kept many people from marrying in any meaningful way.
Generational curses.
There can be mistakes or sins done by someones parents, grandparents, as well as great-grandparents and they can prevent a person from marying. Only if repentance and deliverance are done can marriage take place.
Listen to what our Heavenly Father says about this matter:
Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished;
he punishes the children and their children
for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.
Exodus 34:7
Spiritual husbands and spiritual wives.
Secondly, it would be very difficult for someone to get married if that person is attached to a spiritual husand or a spiritual wife. Unless deliverance takes place through Jesus Christ, a spiritual husband or wife can cause destruction to potential marriage partners.

Involvement in witchcraft, the occult, or Satanism.
At the same time, demonic forces may prevent a person who was involved in witchcraft, the occult, and Satanism from marriage.
Hear what Heavenly Father says:
You shall not bow down to them or worship them;
for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God,
punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third
and fourth generation of those who hate me.
Exodus 20:5
Parental consent.
Sometimes, for one reason or another, parents may not like the marriage to take place. The prayers of such parents can do a lot of harm.
The sins of one or both partners.
Equally important, are the sins of one or both partners that may give demons legal grounds to prevent a marriage. The most common include sexual sins and abortion. Only repentance through Jesus Christ can remove such curses.
Other curses.
Furthermore, apart from generational or ancestral curses, there may be curses from other sources; for example former lovers, witches, or mere malicious people. Only deliverance through Jesus Christ can remove such curses.
6 Spiritual forces that prevent marriages.