Dear reader, you may find it hard to believe this, but it is the truth. There is a hidden world of sexual abuse by men who work as witches or traditional healers. This article introduces you to 6 methods witches use to rape unsuspecting women clients
Convince the woman to undress.
Some witches and traditional healers convince their clients that their medicine can only work if the woman is completely naked. If the woman goes ahead to undress, it will be the beginning of her unwanted experience.

Persuade the woman that sex is part of the cleansing process.
Some witches and traditional healers persuade their clients to accept sexual intercourse on the grounds that it is part of the cleansing process.
Illegal use of anesthetics.
Sometimes witches or traditional healers illegally use anesthetics to facilitate sexual assault. In most cases, the illicit substance is added to the woman’s drink without her knowledge.
Soon after, the woman loses consciousness. Consequently, the woman does not resist or remember the sexual assault, much less who committed it.
The man can insist that he has to rub the medicine on the woman’s genitals.
Sometimes a witch or healer convinces the client that the medicine can only work if the man rubs it on the woman’s genitals.
If the woman accepts this explanation, it will be the beginning of her rape.
Using threatening language.
Some witches and traditional healers threaten their clients with heavy curses if they refuse their sexual advances. Because of this fear, some women give in and agree to sleep with the man.
Bewitching the woman.
Also, some witches possess supernatural powers that can render a woman unconscious. Such a woman regains consciousness after being raped.
The solution to this problem.
In conclusion, this article advises all women to never consult witches. Instead, they must carry their burdens to our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the truth and gives life to all people.
Listen to what Jesus says in John 14:6:
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Finally, if you put your trust in Jesus Christ, he will carry your burdens. Listen to what Jesus says in Matthew 11:28:
Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest.
6 tricks witchdoctors use to rape unsuspecting women clients