Makko Musagara
Dear reader, many people are suffering in life because of the curses placed on them at some point in their lives. One of the weapons that can neutralize such curses is the word of God written in the Bible.
In this article I share with you seven powerful Bible verses to neutrize curses.
The Bible verse against curses of death.
First, you have to know that it is stated in Psalm 31:15 that your life is in the hands of God, not in the hands of your enemy. Therefore, confess like this, everytime you get an opportunity:
I will not die but live,
and I will proclaim all the good things the Lord has done for me.
Psalm 118:17
The Bible verse against curses of poverty and suffering.
Confess like this:
It is written that you cannot curse a person whom God has blessed.
You cannot denounce those whom the Lord has not denounced.
I remain a blessed person.
Numbers 23:8
Return curses to the sender.
Confess like this everytime you get an opportunity:
It is written that any person that curses me, God will curse.
I command the curses that were sent to me to go back to the sender.
Genesis 12:3
The Bible verse against witchcraft curses.
Confess like this:
It is written that No weapon formed against me shall prosper;
and every tongue which rises against me shall be condemned.
I neutrize all curses that were on my life and render them powersless.
Isaiah 54:17
The Bible verse to turn curses into blessings.
Confess like this:
It is written that my God will turn curses into blessings.
every curse the enemy had put on my life
is converted into a blessing right now.
Deuteronomy 23:5
7 Powerful Bible verses to neutralize curses.
Thank you for the writings from the bible