Satan’s riches are temporary but Jesus’s blessings are eternal.

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, many people are rushing to obtain riches from the devil’s kingdom. They do not know that Satan’s riches are temporary but Jesus’ blessings are eternal. The devil will never give anyone lasting … Continued

Three Bibles verses that will restore all your stolen blessings.

        Makko Musagara         Dear reader, do not sit still if the devil has used wicked people to steal your heavenly blessings. These three Bible verses will restore all your stolen blessings. This actually … Continued

The six pastors who have unknowingly signed pacts with Satan

     Makko  Musagara       Dear reader, because of their great desire for fame and glory, some Christians have unknowingly entered the devil’s territory. As a result, these six pastors have unknowingly signed pacts with Satan. 1. Pastors … Continued

“Use Luke 11:4 to lock Satan out of your life,” declares the Lord Jesus Christ

      Makko Musagara       The Lord commissioned me to tell all Christians that the Lord’s Prayer is very powerful. More powerful than most Christians and churches believe. “Use Luke 11:4 to lock Satan out of your … Continued

The weapon to stop Satan is actually found in Luke 11:4

      Makko Musagara       The Lord commissioned me to tell all Christians that the Lord’s Prayer is very powerful. More powerful than most Christians and churches believe. The real reason is that the weapon to stop … Continued

I will never return to witchcraft and the occult.

      Dear reader, this article highlights the dangers of witchcraft and occultism. It is better to trust in our Heavenly Father than to descend into a world of bondage and eternal destruction. You are entering Satan’s dark kingdom. … Continued

Satan’s Terms and Conditions really scared me

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, I wish all followers of Satan could first carefully read and understand the terms of his legal contract for engaging with his followers. Satan’s terms and conditions really scared me. … Continued

Job lacked these two unusual weapons to stop Satan

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, the story of God’s servant Job would have been different if he had used two unusual weapons that you are about to see in this article. Job lacked these two … Continued

How a Christian can send witchcraft power back to the sender

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, the moment you accept Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life, then you have entered a war. A spiritual war. This article shows you how to send witchcratf … Continued

7 Christians whom Satan will find difficult to destroy.

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, sometimes the devil manages to defeat some believers because they opened a door for sin to enter their lives. However, this article shows you 7 Christians who Satan will have a … Continued