If you are a Christian and you have not been praying before bed, I advise you to start tonight. In this article I give you seven reasons to always pray before sleeping.
Satan and demons are always looking for the weakest spiritual state to enter into your life.
First, for many Christians this entry is not possible during day because of their busy bodies, spirits and souls. The easiest entry point is in your state of sleep when your body is at rest. This is why you must always pray before sleeping for our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to take care of your body, spirit and soul. When you pray before bed, Satan and demons will find it very difficult to attack you in your sleep.
Satan and demons want to interfere with your dream life during sleep.
Second, because God uses dreams to talk to us, the devil and demons always want to distort this channel of communication. When you pray before sleep, you will keep the dream channel clear of demonic influence.
Satan and demons want to plant sickness in your life during sleep.
Third, have you observed that most people fall sick at night? This is when demons have easy access to their lives during sleep.
Satan and demons want to plant evil thoughts into your soul as you sleep.
Also, have you noticed that some people wake up in a very bad mood? You may have also heard of morning depression, waking up angry, waking up grumpy, etc.
This is why it is very important to pray before sleeping. If you pray before going to bed, you will not wake up in such a bad mood.
Demons can steal your blessings while sleeping.
Additionally. God blessed King Solomon in a dream, while Solomon was asleep. Satan and demons can do the same by stealing blessings of Christians as they sleep. Every time you dream giving out cash, wake up quickly and pray because demons may have stolen your blessings as you slept.
Witches can call and interact with your soul as you sleep.
Just as the Witch of Endor called the Prophet Samuel’s soul, present day witches can actually call and interact with your soul as you sleep. When you pray before sleeping, witches will find it very difficult to interact with your soul.
Some persons may pass away during their sleep.
If such individuals prayed before their sleep, don’t be surprised if they wake up in Heaven, instead of Hell.
7 reasons to pray before sleeping.
I do wake up angry not knowing