How can you know that the light of God is in an individual? This article presents seven signs that God’s light is in anyone.
1. Humility.
If someone shows signs of humility, then most likely the light of God is in that person. Our Lord Jesus Christ is God but he never acted as if he were here on earth.
Stay away from any boastful or bragging person. The devil may be operating in the heart of that person.
2. A person who fears sin.
If a person fears sin, it is very likely that the light of God is in him. But if a person no longer fears sinning against God, then the light of God has already departed from his heart.
3. A person who is slow to get angry.
If you see a person who is not easily irritated, then most likely the light of God is in that person. Jesus was beaten, insulted, stripped naked, nailed to the cross and his body was stabbed with a sharp spear.
In all this Jesus was never angry, and he did not curse anyone. Instead, he prayed that God would forgive and bless those who did all this to him.
4. Honesty and integrity.
If you find an honest person, or a person with strong moral principles, chances are that the light of God is in that person.
5. A person concerned about the Kingdom of God.
Also, if you find a person who speaks of the kingdom of God and cares deeply about lost souls, then chances are the light of God is in that person.
Stay away from anyone who, instead of worrying about lost souls, always talks about their beautiful house, expensive car or private jet and all the money they have.
6. A person who is hungry for God’s written word.
Furthermore, if you find a person who always wants to read and understand God’s written word in the Bible, most likely the light of God is in that person.

7. A person who fears hurting the feelings of others.
If a person fears hurting the feelings of other people, then the light of God may be operating in that person.
7 Signs that the light of God is in a person.
Leticia Gonzalez
Thank you for your articles they have really helped me . I know god is telling you to write these articles . He is the reason I found your website.
All glory to God
Makko Musagara
You are welcome. May God continue blessing you always. One day we will meet happily in Heaven!