7 Things that will instantly bring you God’s protection

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7 Things that will bring you God’s protection.



Makko Musagara



Are you seeking urgent supernatural protection? Here are 7 Things that will instantly bring you God’s protection.


First, you must begin by praying if you desire God’s supernatural protection. As soon as you pray, the kingdom of God, including our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and God’s angels, will all be invited to come to you. Therefore, Satan, demons, and your enemies may find it difficult to attack you if you pray.

The Blood of Jesus Christ

Second, the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is a powerful weapon. Applying the blood of Jesus where you are will repel Satan, demons, and your enemies who might want to attack you. Therefore, make it a habit to apply the blood of Jesus Christ in your home, your property and everywhere you go.


Third, choosing to stay away from sin and do what is right in God’s eyes will offer you His supernatural protection. Holiness closes every door Satan and demons could use to enter your life. This is one of the reasons Daniel was not devoured by lions.

Quoting God’s word in the Bible

Additionally, quote God’s written word in the Bible if you are in urgent need of His supernatural protection. God’s word in the Bible is living and it is fire. It will repel satanic and demonic powers as soon as it comes out of your mouth.


Also consider fasting if you need God’s supernatural protection. Fasting is very effective if you are fighting spiritual battles.


Sixth on this list is worship. Worshipping God will attract God’s Kingdom to the place where you are. As a result, Satan’s kingdom together with your enemies will all flee.

Speaking positive words

Additionally, you must speak positive words if you seek God’s protection. These words invite the Kingdom of God to come where you are, and God’s angels will ensure that your words come true. For example, if you say, “I will not die in the name of Jesus,” God’s angels will immediately come to ensure that you do not die.




The weapon to stop Satan is actually found in Luke 11:4



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