Throw away these 5 types of clothing

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Throw away these 5 types of clothing.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, if you are a Christian, you need to throw away these 5 types of clothing. Remove them from your wardrobe for two reasons. First, by keeping this type of clothing in your home, you open a door for demons to enter. Second, demons will follow you wherever you go if you wear this type of clothing.

Clothes that reveal your body parts.

First, clothes that reveal sensitive parts of your body will attract demons of seduction. Seducing demons will possess you when you wear this type of clothing. Secondly, by wearing this type of clothes, you will be taking many Christians to hell. It is better you get such clothes out of your wardrobe.

Clothes with pictures and artwork of demons.

Second, clothes with demonic art and pictures of serpents, skeletons, Satan, and the Devil, will attract demons into your house. Demons will possess you when you wear this type of clothing.

Demonic words.

Also, get rid of clothes with demonic words like “Satan“. “Devil“, “Demon” and “Hell“. Such clothing will attract demons into your house. Demons will possess you when you wear this type of clothing.

Negative words.

Furthermore, some clothes have negative words like “Dead man living“, “Lunatic woman alive“, “Back from Hell“. Such clothing will attract demons into your house. Demons will possess you as soon as you wear this type of clothing.

Some second-hand clothes.

In addition, some second-hand clothes may attract demons. Some of this clothing may have been used by Satanists, witches, and occultists. Other second hand clothes may have been used in rituals or crime.

If you are not sure of the origin of any second hand clothes in your house, it is better you throw it away. If you are able to save money, it is better you throw away all your second-hand clothes, and you buy newly manufactured clothing.






Prayer that blocks Satan.

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  1. Linda

    I bought a new summer dress, not revealing in any form, but I noticed that since I bought the dress I have had inappropriate sex with my dead brother which is incest in a sense, and again sex with an ex using condom in the dream of who in reality I never wanted to have sex with because the relationship was forced,
    I just feel been invaded after buying that white dress, I wanted to mend the dress because it is bit skinny, for me to fit in.
    Maybe it is nothing to do with the dress,
    But I remember a pastor asking me to buy a white dress to wear to the beach to bath with it with some fruits and leave everything there at the beach for an offering, I asked him to whom I was offering the food and dress, and he just said it is not idolatry.
    .I refused to carry out his advice months ago, before I bought this dress,
    But I am just a bit scared by the events that happens when I am asleep.

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