Dear reader, miracles happen when you read the Bible. This miracle happens only with hard copy Bibles.
The main advantage of the hard copy Bible.
The major advantage of the hard copy Bible is that you can open any page randomly, as guided by the Lord. This is not possible with the electronic Bible (Bible on your phone).
As you are about to see in the following testimonies, God‘s miracle communication with me took place because I had a hard copy Bible.
Offerings to God.
I remember one time I was attending a Christian conference. Towards the end of this meeting I ran out money for offerings. Then, as I was watching other Christians give their offerings, the Lord led me to open my hard copy Bible randomly. The page I opened had Ecclesiastes chapter 11. Then the Lord supernaturally highlighted this verse for me to see:
Sow your seed in the morning,
and at evening let your hands not be idle,
for you do not know which will succeed,
whether this or that,
or whether both will do equally well.
Ecclesiastes 11:6
Because of this supernatural guidance, I had to use the little money I was left with as an offering to God. I took this offering to God’s altar just as the Bible verse told me.
Such supernatural guidance would have been difficult with an electronic (soft copy) Bible.
The prisoner was set free.
Another time I was interceding for a prisoner. Then something strange happened. Immediately after my prayer the Lord led me to open my hard copy Bible randomly. The page I opened had Isaiah chapter 51. Then the Lord supernaturally highlighted verse 14 for me to see. This verse read as follows:
The cowering prisoners will soon be set free;
they will not die in their dungeon,
nor will they lack bread.
Isaiah 51:14
I rejoiced when the Lord showed me this Bible verse. In less than a week, the prisoner was set free. This kind of divine communication would have been difficult if I had an electronic Bible.
I regained my job.
One time my employers advertised my job in the newspapers. They wanted a more qualified person. During the night, after presenting my worries to Father in Heaven, the Lord led me to randomly open my hard copy Bible. The page I opened had Mathew chapter 21. Then the Lord supernaturally highlighted verse 42 for me to see. It read as follows:
Jesus said to them,
“Have you never read in the Scriptures:
“‘The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?
I was so happy when the Lord showed me this Bible verse. After this Scripture was revealed to me, my employers totally failed to select the best applicant from all the many they had interviewed.
Finally they cancelled their plans to recruit a new person. I regained my job, just as the Lord had highlighted in the hard copy Bible.
I can continue with many personal examples. From all these experiences, I conclude by saying that a hard copy Bible gives a better supernatural experience than an electronic Bible.
Hi there Makko.
This is Teresa again. How are you doing? Me, I’m alright, I suppose. It could be better. I have 3 different versions of the Bible. They are as follows: King James, New King James, and New International version. I ask, which ones do I read? At times, I feel, I’m not quite, understanding the King James, bu then again, I am starting to understand it a little bit better.However, I would prefer, the New International version. Please, do get back to me.
Makko Musagara
Hi Teresa,
I find the NIV easy to read.