Dear reader, Jesus Christ is giving people all over the world signs that he loves them, but most do not realize it. In this article I show you 7 signs showing Jesus has a good plan for you.
Narrowly escaping death.
If you narrowly escape death, then know for sure that Jesus Christ did not want you to perish eternally in Hell. Jesus has a good plan for your life. He wants your life on Earth to end in Heaven.
Getting fed up with sin.
If you start feeling getting fed up with your sinful ways, and you prefer righteousness, then know that Jesus Christ is talking to you. Jesus has a good plan for you. Accept Jesus as the Lord of your life.
Visions and dreams of Hell.
When you start having visions and dreams of Hell, then know that Jesus Christ is warning you. He does not want you to perish in Hell. He has a good plan for you. Accept him to be the Lord of your life.
Visions of Jesus Christ.
Having a vision, or a dream, of Jesus Christ is a sure sign that he has a good plan for your life. Accept him to be the Lord of your life.
Escaping an act of sin.
If you escape an act of sinful nature, then know for sure that Jesus has a good plan for your life.
Wanting to know more about the Kingdom of Heaven.
If you feel like you want to know more about the Kingdom of Heaven, then know that Jesus has a good plan for your life.
Read the Bible to see what God the Father wants you to do to achieve eternal life.
Someone talking to you about Jesus.
If someone comes where you are and talks to you about Jesus Christ, then know that the Savior loves very much. This means Jesus does not want you to end up in Hell.