Dear reader, if you repent like I am about to show you, then Satan may hate you the rest of your life, because Satan hates this type of repentance.
Repentance within your heart.
Satan hates repentance that you make within your heart. You do this repentance on your own, without going to any other person.
This type of repentance is between you and God our Father alone, there is no third party involved. Satan will hate you because God is very attentive to such a prayer and God will quickly forgive you your sins (see Mathew 6:6).
Repentance of quitting your sin.
The Devil hates any person who repents and promises Father in Heaven that they will not commit that sin again. Satan will hate you because he knows that this type of repentance will save you from descending into Hell. You will be going to heaven instead.
Repentance whereby you forgive others.
Satan hates any person who repents before God, and at the same time that person forgives all those who have wronged him.
The Devil knows that when you forgive others, God will forgive you as well, and you will escape Hell. You will be going to heaven instead.
Repenting all the time.
Satan hates any Christian who keeps on repenting all the time because he knows that God keeps on forgiving that Christian.
Satan knows that if that Christian was to pass away from this world, they would end up in Heaven, not in Hell.
Repenting while you quote relevant Bible verses.
The Devil will hate you when you repent while at the same time you quote God’s promises of forgiveness in the Bible ( 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 130:4, Jeremiah 31:34, Jeremiah 33:8, Micah 7:18, Matthew 6:14, Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 8:12, 1 John 1:9.
The Devil does not like this type of repentance because he knows God respects his written word, and that God will forgive you immediately.