13 signs that a Christian is being used by Satan

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Alt=13 signs that a Christian is being used by Satan
13 signs that a Christian is being used by Satan.




Makko Musagara



If a Christian starts hating another person, then that Christian is being used by Satan.

Sexual immorality.

If any Christian starts engaging in any type of sexual immorality, including fornication, adultery, lust, and pornography, then that Christian is being used by Satan.

Telling lies.

If a Christian is no longer afraid of telling lies, then Satan has started using that Christian.


A Christian who cannot control anger becomes an agent of Satan.


If a Christian spends a lot of time worrying, instead of putting trust in our Father in Heaven, then that Christian is being used by the Devil.

Refusing to forgive.

If a Christian refuses to forgive another person, then the Devil is using that Christian. It will be very difficult for that Christian to enter Heaven.

Witchcraft, Sorcery, and the Occult.

If a Christian starts getting involved in witchcraft, sorcery, Satanism, and the occult, then that Christian has become an agent of the Devil.


When a Christian starts becoming proud and arrogant, then Satan has already started taking control of that Christian.

Unrepentant heart.

When a Christian develops an unrepentant heart, then that Christian is now being used by the Devil.


When a Christian becomes jealous, then the Devil has infiltrated the life of that Christian.

Promoting disunity and divisions.

If a Christian starts promoting disunity and divisions, then Satan has slowly started taking over the life of that Christian.


If a Christian is no longer afraid of stealing, embezzling, graft, misappropriation, and grabbing, then Satan has started using that Christian.





Prayer that blocks Satan.


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