A true story of unwanted sex with a witch

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Alt-A true story of unwanted sex with a witch
A true story of unwanted sex with a witch.




Makko Musagara




I remember it was during the Testimony time of one of our Church services. A respectable lady stood up to thank God for her deliverance. Shockingly, she disclosed to the congregation how, before her salvation, she had slept with a witch as her unsuspecting husband, who had accompanied her for traditional treatment, dozed in the nearby waiting room.

As I continually reflected on that testimony, I was informed that women having sex with witches is not unusual in my country. In fact, many women with heavy burdens on their hearts turn to witchesb and occultists for quick solutions. Consequently, the occultists take advantage of such desperate women and insist that they can only administer their “medicine” through sexual contact with their clients. Therefore, this article show you the dangers of having sex with any witch.

1. You make a long-lasting covenant with Satan.

The Devil will follow this covenant up to your great grand children.

2. The witch will load you with hundreds of demons.

Some of these demons include those that create uncontrollable lust, barrenness, and ailments in the reproductive system.

3. Contact with a witch will cast a spell of misfortune on your life.

4. Such an encounter will cause you many marital problems.

5. You will live a cursed life.

Therefore, if you are a woman reading this post, my plea to you is that you give all the burdens on your heart to Jesus Christ. He will carry them and you will be set free.

Listen to what the Bible says:


Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace], and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation]. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.


Mathew 11:28-30




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