God’s angels entered the Bank!

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God’s angels entered the Bank!




Makko Musagara




To begin, this is a true story that happened about fourteen years ago. I was working in the Ministry of Health and I had obtained a loan from one of the major banks in my country. I had to repay it in twelve equal installments over a period of one year.

According to the procedure of this bank, some of my personal assets were used as insurance for this loan. If I did not repay this loan, the bank had the legal right to sell my assets to recover the loan.

In fact, the bank was so strict on repayment dates that I received many calls every time I was late with an installment.

I lost my job.

Later, after paying four monthly installments, I lost my job. Moreover, I had no other source of income to pay off this debt. Therefore, I prayed to God everyday to help me pay the remaining monthly installments because I had no source of income. In fact, I was so afraid that the bank would sell my car and TV to recover the loan.

God intervened.

And then something strange happened. The deadline to pay the fifth installment passed without me receiving a single call from the bank! Later, the same thing happened with the sixth installment and all the remaining installments. No one from that bank called me about the loan!

The bank completely forgot my loan!

I realized that the bank had completely forgotten about my loan! I don’t know how it happened, but it must have been divine intervention. I believe that the angels of God entered into the computer system of that bank and hid everything about my loan.

It was only a year later, when my financial situation improved, that the angels of God restored the computer system of that bank.

After this restoration, the external auditors of that bank were prompted to conduct an audit of that bank. They found that my loan was unpid. I received almost a thousand calls from that bank the day this discovery was made. Fortunately, the bank did not blame me. They realized that something strange had happened in their computer systems and instead blamed themselves!

As my income improved, I fortunately settled all the remaining balance in one day and have remained on good terms with that bank ever since. God’s wonders will never cease!


Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” 


Mathew 19:26



God’s angels entered the Bank!


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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