Dear reader, the Holy Spirit is a real person who is drawn to some of the good things any Christian does. In this article I show you seven things that attract the Holy Spirit to you.
If a person truly repents before God our Father in the name of Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit will come and dwell in that person.
Peter replied,
“Repent and be baptized, every one of you,
in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.
And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:38
Reading the Bible.
When you read God’s written word in the Bible, you attract the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Worshipping God.
You attract the presence of the Holy Spirit when you worship God.
While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting,
the Holy Spirit said,
“Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul
for the work to which I have called them.”
Acts 13:2
The Holy Spirit is drawn to any person who has truly repented and who is praying to Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.
Doing an act of holiness.
You attract the Holy Spirit when you do an act of holiness. For example, resisting a temptation.
Preaching God’s word.
A person who preaches God’s word attracts the presence of the Holy Spirit.
As I began to speak,
the Holy Spirit came on them
as he had come on us at the beginning.
Acts 11:15
Laying on hands.
When someone filled with the Holy Spirit lays his hands on another person in prayer, the Holy Spirit will be drawn to both people.
When Paul placed his hands on them,
the Holy Spirit came on them,
and they spoke in tongues[a] and prophesied.
Acts 19:6
Listening to Gods word or worship music.
You can be filled with the Holy Spirit as you listen to God’s spoken word or worship music.
While Peter was still speaking these words,
the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.
Acts 10:44
7 Actions that will attract the Holy Spirit to you.
Josphat Mulenga
Am blessed by these words. May God bless you all
Thanks so much for the message and I would like to know that short message whether it works for me
Makko Musagara
It works for all believers. May God continue blessing you.