Dear reader, you may find it hard to believe what I am about to tell you, but it really happened. This supernatural experience took place during a recent Sunday church service, and it left me astonished.
The usual sermon was turned into a worship service.
Usually, during our regular Sunday church service we have four worship songs then a sermon follows. Without warning, on this Sunday our pastor continued leading us to worship the name of Jesus Christ until the time alloted for a sermon ran out.
The presence of God was so strong throughout the auditorium, and I wished that all future sermons would turn into worship sessions.
After this wonderful worship service, our pastor asked us to sit down for the other routine church proceedings. That’s when this supernatural experience unveiled before me.
A celetial chariot entered the church.
As I sat under the anointing resulting from this worship session, something strange happened. I began to feel half awake and half asleep, and my supernatural gift of discernment activated.
Suddenly, all the church members who were sitting in the next ten rows infront of me disappeared from my sight.
Then a white chariot drawn by white horses came out of nowhere and stopped infront of my church seat. This chariot was being driven by only one properly dressed person.
The charioteer disembarked and came towards me.
As soon as the chariot stopped, its charioteer got down and came towards me holding something in both hands.
When I looked closely at what he was holding, I realised that it was something like a round white tin, similar to a round cookie tin. What made this tin different was that it was plain white, and it had no markings at all.

Then the celetial chariot suddenly took off.
As soon as the man handed to me the white tin, he quickly boarded the chariot and they vanished. Then suddenly, my sight of all the church members who were sitting in front of me was restored!
This experience is proof that supernatural visions, and heavenly activity in some churches still occur today.
This supernatural experience left me dumbfounded.