Three investments in Heaven that will help your child

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Alt=Three investments in Heaven that will help your child
Three investments in Heaven that will help your child.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, investing for your child in heaven is better than investing on earth because no thief will steal what you have kept in heaven. In this article I share with you three investments you can make in Heaven to help your child in future.

What Jesus Christ said abount investing.

Before going any further, I would like to highlight what Jesus Christ said  about the best investments you can make.

Listen to what Jesus said:



Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,

 where moths and vermin destroy,

 and where thieves break in and steal. 

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,

where moths and vermin do not destroy,

and where thieves do not break in and steal.


Matthew 6:19-20



# 1.  Invest in serving God.

If you serve God honestly and wholeheatedly in any capacity, then you have made an investment in heaven for your child. God will remember your child even after you have departed from this world.


3 Investments in Heaven that will help your child
If you serve God wholeheartedly, you have made an investment in heaven for your child.


# 2. Invest in winning souls for Jesus Christ.

You make a wise decision if you invest your efforts and money in the winning of lost souls for Jesus Christ. God will always remember you, your child, and grandchild for this investment.



You make a wise decision if you invest your efforts and money in the winning of lost souls for Jesus Christ.



# 3. Invest in building churches.

Heavenly Father urgently needs permanent buildings where he will always meet his people on earth. God will always remember your child if you invest in the construction of church buildings.



God will always remember your child if you invest in the construction of church buildings. 




Three investments in Heaven that will help your child.




Prayer that blocks Satan.



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