All sin is bad, but some sins are worse. In this article I show you four sins that will extinguish your heavenly anointing.
# 1. Fornication.
Fornication is sleeping with someone who is not your wife or husband. This act will open the doors for your heavenly anointing to escape, and for thousands of demons to enter your body. As a result, you will be left at the mercy of the devil as was the case with Samson.
Listen to what the written word of God in the Bible says:
Then she called, “Samson, the Philistines are upon you!”
He awoke from his sleep and thought, “I’ll go out as before and shake myself free.”
But he did not know that the Lord had left him.
Then the Philistines seized him, gouged out his eyes and took him down to Gaza.
Binding him with bronze shackles, they set him to grinding grain in the prison.
Judges 16:20-21

# 2. Masturbation.
Masturbation defiles your whole body to the point that your heavenly anointing will have nowhere to stay. Listen to what the word of God in the Bible says:
Flee from sexual immorality.
All other sins a person commits are outside the body,
but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.
1 Corinthians 6:18
# 3. Anger or unforgiveness.
Anger and unforgiveness will drive away all your heavenly anointing. This will give demons the opportunity to come and occupy your body. As a result, your blessings will go and you will lead a cursed life.
It is better to forgive than losing your heavenly anointing.
# 4. Pornography.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who will use your eyes only for divine sight. The anointing within you will flee if you use your eyes to watch pornography.
These four sins will extinguish your heavenly anointing.