Beautiful faces that look so ugly in the spirit world.

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Alt=Beautiful faces that look so ugly in the spirit world.
Beautiful faces that look so ugly in the spirit world.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, if you went to heaven today and God gave you the opportunity to see the entire earth from His point of view, you would be shocked by what you would see. You would see the faces of most people differently than you see on earth. You would see beautiful faces that appear so ugly in the spirit world.

The basis of this message.

First, when Jesus spoke about hypocrisy, he compared the teachers of the law and the Pharisees to whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead people’s bones and everything that is unclean. (Mathew 23:27).

People’s real faces. 

Returning to your vision of heaven, you will see many people on earth with very ugly faces. Yes, someone you left on earth with a very beautiful face would appear very ugly from heaven. Why? Because many people have very wicked hearts, and the more wicked a person is, the uglier he is in the spiritual realm. The state of a person’s inner heart represents his beauty or ugliness from heaven.


How to look beautiful in the spirit world.

In fact, the only way you can have a beautiful face in the spirit world is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior. He will purify all your unrighteousness and make your heart pure. If your heart remains pure, then your face, as seen from heaven, will look very beautiful from God’s vantage point of view. It will be glowing and shining.

Stay pure always.

After accepting Jesus Christ, some individuals go back to their old ways, or they keep hidden sins in their lives. If you do this, God will see your face turn from beautiful to ugly again. For this reason, after accepting Jesus Christ  as your Lord and Savior, stay pure always through daily prayer, reading God’s written word, repentance and by covering yourself with the blood of Jesus.



Beautiful faces that look so ugly in the spirit world.




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