Always keep this demon repellent in your house.

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Always keep this demon repellent in your house.




Makko Musagara



Dear reader, just as scientists invented insecticides to repel insects, our Heavenly Father has provided us with a supernatural spray to ward off demons from your home. Always keep this demon repellent in your house.

Here is the supernatural repellent I’m talking about.

The supernatural demon repellant I am talking about is actually the blood of Jesus Christ. I use it daily and the results are excellent. I have found it to be an effective demon repellent in any home.


Alt=Always keep this demon repellent in your house.
The supernatural demon repellant I’m talking about is actually the blood of Jesus Christ.

The Blood of Jesus protected the Israelites from death.

The power of the Blood of Jesus Christ dates back to the book of Exodus when God was preparing to destroy all of the firstborn in Egypt.

Our Heavenly Father asked all the families of Israel in Egypt to slaughter sheep at dusk. Then he ordered each family to take some of the blood from each lamb and put it on the sides and top of the door frames of their homes.

As a result, the blood of the lamb, which actually represented the blood of Jesus Christ, protected the families of Israel from death.

Listen to what the written word of God in the Bible says in Exodus 12:12-13 :


On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. 13 The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.



The Blood of the Lamb, which actually represented the blood of Jesus Christ, protected the Israelites from death.


How to cover your property with the Blood of  Jesus Christ.

Open both your hands and say these words to them:


In the name of Jesus Christ I cover my hands with the blood of Jesus Christ.


After this proclamation, lay your hands on every important part of your home while saying these words:


I cover this place with the blood of Jesus.


Satan and demons will start seeing supernatural fire and the blood of Jesus in your house.


This is what Satan and the demons will see.

When you follow the above instructions, the blood of Jesus will supernaturally cover your home and all your possessions instantly.

Satan and the demons will be afraid and flee because they cannot resist the power of the blood of Jesus Christ in your house.


Always keep this demon repellent in your house.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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