Your self-control over sexual desires pleases God

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Your self-control over sexual desires pleases God.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, just as parents take pleasure in their teenage sons and daughters who control themselves, so our Heavenly Father takes pleasure in people who control their sexual desires. This article shows you that your self-control over sexual desires pleases God.

If you can control your sexual desires, then you can rule the world.

Generally speaking, if a person is able to control his or her sexual desires, that person can rule the whole world. Unfortunately, God planned to use many men and women to rule this world, but they have failed him because they were unable to control their sexual desires.

As an illustration, listen to what the written word of God says in Proverbs 16:32:


It is better to be patient than powerful. It is better to win control over yourself than over whole cities.



Samson completely failed to control his body.

As a matter of fact, our Heavenly Father had planned to use Samson mightily to conquer all of Israel’s enemies. Unfortunately, Samson was unable to control his sexual desires and, as a result, his life ended when Israel’s enemies captured him and severely tortured him.

God took the kingdom from Solomon.

Furthermore, God had planned that Solomon’s reign would last many years. Unfortunately, Solomon was unable to control his sexual desires. As a result, he was bewitched by the many foreign women he always slept with. He became a completely useless man. Therefore God took away the kingdom from king Solomon.


King Solomon failed to control his sexual desires.


Our Lord Jesus Christ controlled himself perfectly.

Look at our Lord Jesus Christ. He came to earth as a human being with feelings like those of a common man. He could see, he could touch things, and he could hear sounds. Also, Jesus’s senses of taste and smell also worked perfectly.

However, never at any time did our Lord Jesus Christ stop controlling his emotions or his body. As a result of this self-control, our Heavenly Father gave Jesus all the kingdoms of this world. The kingdom of Jesus Christ will last forever and ever.

Listen to what the written word of God says in Revelation 11:15


The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ;

and he shall reign for ever and ever.



Our Lord Jesus Christ perfectly controlled his emotions as well as his body.


You are destined for ruin if you cannot control your sexual desires.

Overall, if you are a person who cannot control your sexual desires, then you are doomed. But if you manage to control yourself, all the kingdoms of this world will belong to you.



Your self-control over sexual desires pleases God.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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