Church outfits that lead many Christians to hell.

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Alt=Church outfits that lead many Christians to hell.
Church outfits that lead many Christians to hell.



Makko Musagara




Who says Christians shouldn’t talk about how men and women dress in church? Well, this article talks about church outfits that lead many Christians to hell.

The Bible talks about it.

First, if church leaders have refused to talk about how their members should dress, God’s written word in the Bible speaks boldly on this issue. As a matter of fact, our Heavenly Father advises that Christian men and women should dress modestly and appropriately.

Listen to what the Bible says in 1Timothy 2:8-10:


Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves modestly and appropriately and discreetly in proper clothing.



Alt=Church outfits that lead many Christians to hell.
The Bible mentions how church members should be dressed.



Unlike men, women attract more attention.

In relation to this matter, there is a general observation concerning all the churches of the world. A woman who enters any church draws more attention from the congregation than a man. Few care how men dress, and the congregation will pay less attention to a man.

However, the entire religious service can be distorted if only one woman is dressed indecently.  Consequently, a man can easily descend into hell if his eyes and mind are captivated by images of an indecently dressed woman.


Women should avoid the following types of church attire.

Therefore, Christian women should avoid wearing the following attire in a religious service:

  1. Very tight clothing showing all the curves of her body.
  2. Miniskirts.
  3. Tops that expose breasts.
  4. Transparent dresses.


Consequences of being obscenely dressed in church.

First, you may never enter heaven because your clothes contradict the written word of God. Second, heaven will hold you responsible for all the souls that enter hell as a result of the distraction and temptation you cause.


Church outfits that lead many Christians to hell.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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