This happened to my wife when God’s angel sounded the trumpet.

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This happened to my wife when God’s angel sounded the trumpet.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, I would like to share with you this supernatural vision in which God’s judgement took place. This happened to my wife when God’s angel sounded the trumpet.

This was a rehersal of God’s day of judgement.

First, you need to be aware that this supernatural dream was like a rehersal of God’s day of Judgement. The written word of God in the Bible says that we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while on earth, whether good or bad (see 2 Corinthians 5:10).

My family was next.

Then, while I was sleeping, I saw the gate of a beautiful city hanging in the heavens. This city was unlike any other on earth and no one could enter it without the permission of the angels of God.

For some reason that I did not understand, our children and I managed to enter this celetial city. Then we waited by the gate for my wife who was behind us.

God’s angel sounded a defeaning trumpet.

As soon as the angel of God saw my wife, he sounded a deafening trumpet that attracted the attention of everyone on every continent and island on earth. All the people of the earth were afraid as they fixed their eyes on the archangel who had sounded the trumpet.

The angel said thus:


She will not enter heaven! 


The reason why my wife was denied entry into heaven.

Then I went and knelt before the archangel of God and begged him to allow my wife to enter heaven. Furthermore, I explained to the angel that she had been faithful to me since our marriage and that she had always loved the Lord.

Then the angel said:


She will not enter heaven because she refused serving God. The Lord asked her to plant a church in the area where she was born, but she refused. Therefore, she will not enter heaven.


I cried a lot for my wife.

After the angel pronounced this verdict, I cried uncontrollably for my wife who could not enter heaven. Then suddenly, someone woke me from my sleep. It was my wife lying next to me in our bed.

She said:


You were crying in your sleep, what happened?


Then, I told my wife everything the angel had said in the dream.

So far, my wife has planted four churches.

Following this dream, my wife was very scared. She made her decision and founded a church in her native village. Additionally, she has planted three churches in neighboring communities.

You must obey God.

In conclusion, if the Lord has called you to serve Him in any way, don’t wait anymore. You must obey God to save yourself from eternal shame and destruction.


This happened to my wife when God’s angel sounded the trumpet.


The weapon to stop Satan is actually found in Luke 11:4

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