Our Heavenly Father is always waiting to see if there is any home on earth where He can go. This article presents 7 things that will invite God into your home.
1. Praying.
To begin with, prayer is the simplest way to invite our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit into your home. As soon as you begin to pray, the Kingdom of God will enter your home while Satan and demons will flee.
2. Reading the Bible.
Second, by reading the Bible, you invite God’s presence into your home. The moment you open the Bible to read it, the glory of God will come upon you. In addition, God will send His angels and the Holy Spirit to make sure you understand what you read.
3. Personal worship.
Third, the Kingdom of God will come into your home as soon as you begin to worship our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit. Additionally, through your worship, the kingdom of Satan and all darkness will flee.
4. Staying away from sin.
Furthermore, God will visit your home if you choose holiness over sin. Holiness invites the Kingdom of God into your home as Satan and demons flee.
Listen to what the written word of Go in the Bible says:
23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.
John 14:23
5. Christian worship music.
Also, heaven is filled with continous worship. Therefore, everytime you play Christian worship music you are inviting heaven and God’s presence into your home.
6. Attending church.
Moreover, you are enveloped by God’s presence every time you attend a church service. Interestingly, you take that presence with you when you return home.
7. Anointed Christian broadcasts.
Seventh, listening to or watching a dedicated Christian program can bring God’s presence into your home. I remember coming home from work one day to find my wife watching an international evangelistic sermon on television. Suddenly, the power of God burst forth from the television and deeply affected me. Later that night, I had an unusual heavenly dream after falling asleep.