Why it is so difficult for a minister of God to enter heaven

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Why it is so difficult for a minister of God to enter heaven
Why it is so difficult for a minister of God to enter heaven.



Makko Musagara



It is easier for an ordinary Christian to enter heaven than God’s servant. This article shows you why it is so difficult for a minister of God to enter heaven.

Who is a minister of God?

A minister of God is anyone involved in Christian ministry. Ministers of God are meant to bring lost souls into the Kingdom of God.

Ministers of God sit for a unique entrance exam.

To begin with, if our Heavenly Father was to set  a general examination to select people who will enter heaven, then that exam will be only for ordinary Christians.

Believe it or not, God will set a different exam for the ministers in God’s Kingdom on earth. This exam will be more difficult than the general exam for ordinary Christians.

God’s ministers are judged more strictly.

As a matter of fact, God’s ministers are judged more strictly than ordinary Christians. Listen to what the written word of God in the Bible says:

Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

James 3:1

God expects all his ministers to be more competent in biblical matters.

Third, it is important to note that Heavenly Father is more lenient to ordinary Christians because they know little about God’s written in the Bible. However, God is more strict with his servants on earth beacsue  they know much more about the word of God written in the Bible.

In God’s eyes, ministers are supposed to be examples for ordinary Christians. Moreover, they are supposed to be the light and salt of the world.

Moses did not reach the promised land.

Likewise, Moses, the man God had used to perform extraordinary wonders, was unable to reach the Promised Land because God judged him more harshly than ordinary Israelites. It is no wonder, then, that many ordinary Israelites entered the Promised Land, but not Moses.

Many ministers of God will be sent to the hottest part of Hell.

Considering what has been mentioned above, many ministers of God may never cross over to Heaven. Instead, they will be sent to the hottest part of Hell.

Be holy before God.

Finally, if you are a minister of God, you must live a holy life throughout your life. In addition, you must live a life of repentance in situations where Satan has dominated you.

Listen to what the written word of God in the Bible says:

15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”[a]

1 Peter 1:15-16




The weapon to stop Satan is actually found in Luke 11:4


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