Dear reader, there is something I have observed in God’s Kingdom. If not handled with caution, a good prophecy upon your life can destroy you before God’s plans come to pass.
The problem.
I have observed that when some Christians get a personal prophecy, they think God is going to fulfil it the following month. They loose patience and start struggling to see that the prophecy comes to pass. They ruin their lives long before God’s prophecy actually comes to pass.
Most prophecies take time.
In this article I show you that many prophecies take time before God fulfils them because of the seven reasons I mention below.
Your ability to handle to the prophecy.
If God was to fulfill some prophecies immediately, they would overwhelm the recipients. For example, if a prophet of God had met young Solomon many years before he became a king and gave him these words of prophecy:
Brother Solomon stand up. The Lord has shown me that you will be a very rich man, richer than any king on Earth.
2 Chronicle 9:22.
If God was to implement this prophecy the following month, this young man would be overwhelmed at that age. Wealth would have ruined his life.
Some prophecies require your maturity before God fulfils them. One day teenage Joseph met God’s prophet who told him the following words of prophecy:
Young man, the Lord has shown me that he will put you above all your brothers. One day they will come bowing before you.
Genesis 37:5-7
Because Joseph lacked maturity in spiritual matters and was still young, he immediately rushed to his brothers and began to act as if he was already their leader. This lack of maturity caused young Joseph a lot of trouble until his brothers threw him into a dry well.
Some personal prophecies require a lot of God’s training and personal preparations before they come to pass. One day a prophet of God met the boy David as he took care of his father’s sheep and told him as follows:
Boy, the Lord has showed me that one day he will use you to fight and kill a great Philistine fighter.
If this boy had left the following week to face an angry Philistine fighter, he probably would have been killed. Before this prophecy could be fulfilled, God had to first teach this boy David to kill lions and bears.
1 Samuel 17:34-36
Some personal prophecies require great tests before they come to pass. One time a young Abraham had migrated to Egypt because of famine. While in this land he met a man of God who told him as follows:
Brother Abraham, the Lord has showed me he will bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring[b] all nations on earth will be blessed.
Abraham was so excited by this prophecy that he ran into his tent and shared it with his wife Sarah. He was not aware that he would face a great test involving the sacrifice of his son Isaac before it came to pass (Genesis 22:1-19).
Devotion to God’s Kingdom.
I used to live an insecure part of our city. Then one day I hosted a man of God who during the family prayer told me as follows:
The Lord has revealed to me that you will be shifting from this place to a beautiful house in a good neighborhood.
This prophecy came to pass about three years later but it required a lot of my devotion and commitment to God’s Kingdom.
Some personal prophecies can only take place if you fully obey God’s instructions. One day a man of God met a young Moses, before God appeared to him in a burning bush and pronounced to him this prophecy:
Young man Moses, the Lord has shown me you will one day live in the promised land of Canaan. I see you crossing the Jordan River leading so many people from Egypt into that promised land. The Lord has also shown me you will have a beautiful house of residence in this new land.
As you know, Moses never lived to see this prophecy pass due to disobedience as indicated in Numbers 20:2-12.
Enough of the world.
Some personal prophecies can only pass when God realizes that you are fed of up with everything in this world in terms relationships, wealth and honors. This is exactly what happened to Solomon. One day, before he even became a king, he met a man of God who gave him this prophecy:
Brother Solomon, the Lord has shown me that he will use you to author one of the Books [Ecclesiastes] that will be in a greater book to be called the Bible.
If Solomon had started writing this book that week, he would have made a serious mistake. God wanted Solomon to first have enough of everything in this world before writing the Book of Ecclesiastes.
This is why this book begins with these words:
Meaningless! Meaningless!
says the Teacher.
Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.
Ecclesiastes 1:2
For all the reasons I have outlined above, I conclude by saying that If not handled with caution, a good prophecy upon your life may destroy you before God’s plans come to pass.
A personal prophecy can destroy you.
Thank you for allowing God to use you. I am empowered and have gained an increased wisdom in Christ following reading your books.
Makko Musagara
You are welcome Sheila. Thank you. May God continue blessing you as you walk with Him.
I have come across the food for my soul at the time l needeed it most lam now hooked for life thanks for sharing this God given blessings with the hungry souls..may God u
Makko Musagara
You are welcome. May God continue blessing you as you seek Him.