Dear reader, Satan may fail to attack you in many ways, but if he succeeds to make you angry, then you are finished. In this article I show you why anger may steal all your heavenly blessings.
God’s presence.
God’s presence is the first thing that will disappear when you become angry. The Holy Spirit will flee from you. This is exactly what happened to King Saul.
Robbing your peace.
When you become angry, Satan will rob you of your peace of mind. Demons of restlessness will invade you. King Saul’s constant anger robbed him of all the peace he had.
Divine protection.
When you become angry, God‘s angels may flee from you .
Heavenly blessings.
When you become angry, Satan will command his powerful demons to intercept and steal your heavenly blessings. These blessings will never reach you.
Robbing your finances.
When Satan realizes that you are angry, he will send demons to rob your finances.
Robbing God’s favor.
If you become angry, Satan will rob God’s favor from your life.
Robbing your good health.
When you become angry, Satan will command demons of sickness to attack you. In a few days you wake up with a new sickness.
God’s angels will never allow a person with anger to enter Heaven. You may end up in Hell if you die with anger in your heart.
What Jesus said about Anger.
Jesus Christ instructed all Christians never to react to provocation. Stay calm, don’t become angry, however much the provocation is.
If someone slaps you on the left cheek, show that person that you are not angry at all.
And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, don’t become angry, hand over your coat as well.
If anyone forces you to go one mile, don’t become angry, go with them two miles (Mathew 5:38-41)..