Dear reader, there is not much written in the Bible about the life of Jesus Christ when he was still young. Fortunately, detailed records about the boy Jesus Christ were made by God’s angels, but these records can only be found in Heaven.
In this article I present to you one such detailed record that was made by God’s angels, but was never recorded in the Bible.
This record can only be found in the books of Heaven.
An interesting record in the Bible.
Before I present to you what is written in the heavenly books, let me remind you about this amazing event about the boy Jesus Christ that was actually recorded in the Bible.
This true account is found in Luke 2:41-49 and it talks about Joseph and Mary forgetting their own child Jesus Christ in the temple within Jerusalem!
Can you imagine forgetting your own kid in the church, and you only realize he is missing after you reach home!
Here is the event about the boy Jesus that was never recorded in the Bible.
This supernatural event happened when Jesus Christ was about five years old. Mary was busy doing kitchen work, while the boy Jesus Christ was with Joseph in the carpentry.
As the boy Jesus Christ happily continued playing with small cut timber pieces, Joseph moved briefly out of the carpentry.
The brilliant white cloud from Heaven.
While the boy Jesus Christ was on his own in the carpentry, suddenly a bright white cloud descended from heaven and it filled the whole carpentry (see also Mathew 17:5).

Father in Heaven appeared to the boy Jesus Christ.
God’s glory filled the carpentry and our Father in Heaven appeared in person to the boy Jesus Christ. God talked at length to the boy Jesus Christ explaining to Jesus his mission on Earth.
Then the white cloud vanished!
Just before Joseph came back into the carpentry, the white heavenly cloud disappeared as it ascended to Heaven.
Our Father in heaven waited for another opportune time to come and talk to the boy Jesus Christ.
You will read more about this supernatural event in the books of heaven.
Another amazing event about Jesus that wasn’t recorded in the Bible.
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