Dear reader, you may find this hard to believe, but it is true. Any disease in your body can actually hear you talking.
All disease organisms are living spirits.
First of all, we must understand that all disease organisms are living spirits, with a sense of hearing. Therefore, these organisms can actually hear every word you say. In fact, these organisms can tell whether you are a bold person or a fearful person. They can also tell whether you are a person of faith or a person who can easily resign himself to suffering.
When you are sick, never say anything against your life.
Therefore, be careful when you are suffering from an illness to never say negative words against your life. For example, never say that you will not make it or that you are about to die. If these evil spirits hear you speak like this, they will increase their hold on your life and you may actually die.
Always speak words of faith.
Considering what had been discussed above, always speak words of fairh when you are ill. For example, speak to you body saying that you will not die. Say that you will live to tell others about the goodness of God. When disease organisms hear you talking like this, they will lose their grip on your body.
Rebuke the disease organisms out of your body.
Furthermore, you can actually command the disease organisms to leave your body in the name of Jesus Christ. You can actually bind these organisms and cast them out of your body in Jesus’s name.
Jesus always rebuked disease organisms out of people’s bodies.
Interestingly, all the disease-causing organisms could hear Jesus speaking. So Jesus wasted no time. He constantly rebuked these disease-causing organisms. They always became frightened, and quickly left the bodies of those affected.
Hear what happened to Simon’s mother-in-law who was suffering from a high fever:
Standing at her bedside, Jesus REBUKED the fever, and it left her. And she got up at once and prepared a meal for them.
Luke 4:39
The same pattern of Jesus rebuking sickness is repeated in Luke 8:29, and Luke 9:42.
Start rebuking disease out of your body.
In conclusion, if you believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, begin to reprimand every disease that attacks your body. If you do this with faith, you will soon begin to feel better. In fact, this is the basis of all supernatural healing.