Avoid the number 666.
Dear reader, just as the numbers 3, 7, and 12 have a lot of significance in the Kingdom of God, Satan also has his own numbers related to his kingdom. One of these numbers is 666. In this article, I advise all true Christians to avoid the number 666. It is the number of the devil.
What the Bible says.
The Bible calls 666 the number of the Beast (Satan). Listen to what the written Word of God says:
18 Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, que calcule el número de la bestia, porque el número es el de un hombre, y su número[a] es 666.
Revelation 13:18
666 has links to Satan.
In the spiritual realm, the number 666 has direct links to the Kingdom of the Devil. It is linked to Satan himself and demons.
Hotel Room 66.
When you check into a hotel and are assigned to the 6th floor, do not accept room 66. You may suffer spiritual attacks in that room.
Vehicle License Plates.
When registering your new vehicle, do not accept a license plate with the numbers 666.
Lot Number 666.
Avoid buying a lot with the number 666.
Phone Numbers.
When choosing a new phone number, avoid a number with 666. If you accept it, you may open a door for curses to enter your life. One day Satan may call from hell directly to your number.
T-shirt Number 666.
If you are a true Christian, never buy or wear a t-shirt with the numbers 666. If you do, you will be tormented by demons and open a door for curses to fall into your life.
Avoid items with a cost price of 666. The devil may be hiding behind this number.
House number 666.
If you are a true Christian, never occupy a house numbered 666. If you do, many spiritual problems await you during your occupation.
Other situations.
In other situations, be careful not to accept any numbering with the numbers 666.
Blessed numbers for Christians.
Below are some of the numbers that God has blessed for Christians to use.
3, 33, 333, 3333
7,77, 777, 7777,
12, (3 x 4)
14 (7 x 2)
49 (7 x 7)
Avoid the number 666.
So I recently bought a ticket for a deliverance church conference after having a weird dream after purchasing it guess what the invoice number said? 666 what does that mean?
Makko Musagara
Dear Bro/Sister,
There may be problems related to your trip. You have to pray and fast so that you overcome the demonic forces related to your journey.