Severe Judgment for Those Who Fornicate with God’s Ministers

    Makko Musagara     This is a warning from Heavenly Father. Let it be known that there is severe judgment for those who fornicate with God’s ministers. There is no excuse. To begin with, says the Lord, there … Continued

How God keeps His ministers from cheating on their spouses

    Makko Musagara     God will do whatever it takes to protect His true servants from sin. This article shows how God keeps His ministers from cheating on their spouses God warns his ministers in dreams. First, our … Continued

Here is Satan’s number 1 weapon against powerful pastors

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, you may find it hard to be believe this, but it is the truth. Here is Satan’s number 1 weapon against powerful pastors. Satan hates anointed pastors. First, we must … Continued

Sacrifice your sleep for prayer and see the good results.

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, are you looking for a holy sacrifice to God?  Then sacrifice your sleep for prayer and see the good results. Your principal enemy Satan does  not sleep. First, if you are a … Continued

This happened to my wife when God’s angel sounded the trumpet.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, I would like to share with you this supernatural vision in which God’s judgement took place. This happened to my wife when God’s angel sounded the trumpet. This was a … Continued

Four signs that God will use you greatly in the future.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, Heavenly Father intends to use many people. This article presents four signs that God will use you greatly in the future. 1. Prophecy. Many years ago, I was a confused … Continued

The six pastors who have unknowingly signed pacts with Satan

     Makko  Musagara       Dear reader, because of their great desire for fame and glory, some Christians have unknowingly entered the devil’s territory. As a result, these six pastors have unknowingly signed pacts with Satan. 1. Pastors … Continued