Dear reader, are you tired of praying for heavenly blessings? Do this and God will give you whatever you ask of Him.
There are no free blessings from heaven.
To begin with, if you want to understand heavenly blessings, you must know that there are no free blessings from God. In other words, pay a price before God blesses you. If you read the Bible, you will discover that everyone who has been blessed by God has had to pay a price in one way or another.
Abraham paid a great price for the mighty blessings.
Second. why do you think God blessed Abraham and all his descendants? In addition, God blessed Abraham’s descendants to take possession of the cities of their enemies? It was because Abraham gave his best – his only son Isaac – as a sacrifice to God.
Why did God ask King Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted in life?
Third, you may wonder why God has never asked you to ask for whatever you want in life. However, God asked King Solomon to ask for everything he wanted in life. The answer to this question is found in 1 Kings 3:4. Just before God asked King Solomon that question, King Solomon offered his best to God.
The Bible says that King Solomon offered God a thousand burnt offerings. This was equivalent to 1,000 healthy cows or bulls. Therefore, Heavenly Father was so impressed by this rare sacrifice that He asked King Solomon to ask God for anything he wanted in life.
Give your best sacrifice to God.
In conclusion, if you want God to give you whatever you ask of Him, then you need to give your best sacrifice to God. For example, you can buy land for the construction of a Church. If you take a step further by constructing a church building for God, heaven will remember you and your children for generations.
Furthermore, your sacrifice can be in the form of dedication to the kingdom of God. This is exactly what our Lord Jesus Christ did, and God exalted the name of Jesus above all other names.