Dear reader, I don’t know if you have observed this while reading your Bible. Most of the time, our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ do not use direct language. This is why the Bible is full of riddles and proverbs, intriguing parables and mysteries. So do this so that God will reveal the mysteries of the Bible to you.
The devil has always kept us in darkness.
First, Satan has always kept many people in bondage to ignorance of the life of God. As a result, many believers have eyes to see but cannot see the things of God. They have ears to hear, but they have not been able to understand the truth of God’s words.
Moreover, they have a heart, but they are incapable of perceiving the nature of God’s life. For as much as the heavens are high above the earth, so is the nature of the life of God above the nature of the life of man.
You cannot understand the Bible on your own.
It is impossible for the natural heart to perceive the things of God. Only the Holy Spirit can open our spiritual eyes to see those things the devil has always hidden from us.
Even so, God’s words will always remain sealed to the disobedient because they do not seek our Heavenly Father or trust in him. But rather they trust in their own wisdom and they lean to their own understanding for the interpretation of God’s written word.
Now is the appointed time for God’s people to ask our Heavenly Father to open their eyes so that they may see Father’s heart through his written word in the Bible.
Ask our Heavenly Father to reveal himself to you.
When you ask our Heavenly Father to reveal to you the truth of his written word in the Bible, he will free you from the miserable thoughts of the carnal mind; and deliver you from the bondage of Satan’s lies.
God will deliver you from the deceitfulness of your opinions, and he will open your eyes to see the truth of heavenly things. Furthermore our Heavenly Father will deliver you from false doctrines, from the ungodly counsels of men’s interpretations, and from the traditions of men.
Hear what our Heavenly Father says in Jeremiah 33:3:
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.