Dear reader, the mansions in heaven are real and the master architect is our Lord Jesus Christ as indicated in John 14:1-3. However, the beauty of your mansion in heaven depends on what you do here on earth. Therefore, do this to build a very beautiful mansion in Heaven.
Stay away from sin.
First, if you really want to build a beautiful mansion in heaven then stay away from sin. There are some incomplete mansions in heaven because their owners on earth were conquered by sin. Some never made it to heaven.
Invest more in God’s Kingdom.
Second, the beauty of your mansion in heaven will depend on how much you have invested in God’s Kingdom. Anything you do to promote God’s Kingdom on earth will beautify your mansion in heaven.
Cut your desire to be recognised by others.
Furthermore, there are some incomplete mansions in heaven because their owners on earth wanted a lot of recognition on earth.
If you want man to recognise you, then God will not reward you because you have already received your rewards on earth as indicated in Matthew 6:1-4.
Live a modest life for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
Interestingly, our Lord Jesus Christ was God and king of all kings, but he chose to live a modest life on earth for the sake of expanding the Kingdom of God.
Jesus could have built the best house in Israel because he had all the means to do so. But he decided to invest most of his efforts and resources in preaching the good news of the kingdom of God in all parts of Israel.
This contributed greatly to the best mansion our Heavenly Father built for him in heaven.
Invest more in uplifting others.
Also, your home in heaven will always be better when someone on earth praises God for the good you have done for them.
Do this to build a very beautiful mansion in Heaven.