Easily disconnect yourself from generational curses

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Easily disconnect yourself from generational curses.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, ancestral or generational curses are preventing the prosperity of so many people. This article shows you how to easily disconnect yourself from generational curses.

Every family has generational curses.

First, we must all know that every family in this world is subject to generational curses. These curses are the result of our parents, grandparents or great-grandparents who, knowingly or not, made alliances with Satan’s kingdom. It is the spiritual ties that bind these alliances to the current generation and that prevent many people from progressing.

The consequences of generational curses.

Second, since generational curses link a person to the devil’s kingdom, the life of that person will be full of challenges, difficulties, dilemmas and stagnation. If not dealt with, these problems can easily be passed on to your children and grandchildren..

Here is an easy way to disconnect yourself from generational curses.

Since we are dealing with strong spiritual connections, deliverance may not be easy as some people may think. But thank God, there is an easy way you can permanently disconnect yourself from from these ancestral ties. This easy way is to pay your tithes faithfully.

God uses your tithe to destroy generational curses.

Every time you bring your full tithe to church, our Heavenly Father commands one of His angels to be with you to defeat your enemies and destroy any spiritual force that might be against your life. The more faithful you are with your tithes, the more angels God assigns to you.

In fact, in Malachi 3:11, God promised to keep generational curses from disrupting your life and devouring your blessings. If you are faithful in paying your tithes, God will disconnect you from generational curses and all nations will call you blessed, for your land will be a delightsome land.



Easily disconnect yourself from generational curses.
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