Dear reader, you may be going through a very difficult time right now. This article shows you that every challenge in your life is an examination supervised by God.
Abraham took a very difficult exam.
To begin with, let’s look at the great test our great-great-grandfather Abraham faced. As a matter of fact, Abraham had only one son, Isaac, and our Heavenly Father asked him to sacrifice that only son.
God said this in Genesis 22:2:
Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.
With this in mind, it was an almost unbearable ordeal for Abraham, considering that he had gone so many years childless. However, Abraham endured this exam, and he passed it with a very high mark.

God’s exam to Jacob.
To further prove this argument, Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his sons. But one day, Jacob’s sons came home with a torn shirt saying that wild animals had eaten Joseph.
Generally speaking, this was a very difficult test that God placed before Jacob. With great pain and anguish in his heart, God’s servant Jacob patiently took this test and passed it with a high score.
The very difficult exam that Jesus Christ did.
Our Lord Jesus Christ took the most difficult exam ever seen by anyone on earth. This exam had many sections, including being falsely accused, innocently arrested, severely flogged, stripped of his clothes, nailed to the cross, facing death, and being buried in a grave from which he could not escape.
Ultimately, Jesus Christ patiently took this test and passed it with the highest score anyone has ever gotten.

Your exams in life.
In view of all the above, our Heavenly Father has placed before you exams that you must pass if you wish to advance to a higher level.
All in all, this article encourages you to patiently take these exams knowing that Heavenly Father is faithful and will reward you greatly if you pass with good grades.
Every challenge in your life is an exam supervised by God.