Facing death? Call Jesus Christ.

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Alt=Facing death? Call Jesus Christ.
Facing death? Call Jesus Christ.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, if you are facing death, this article advises you that the first words out of your mouth should be to call on the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the nearest person to you.

First, when you are facing death, the closest person near you whom you can call is Jesus Christ. Interestingly, our Lord Jesus is even closer to you than your caretaker in the dangerous situation you are facing.

Jesus Christ represents God our Father and the Holy Spirit.

Secondly Jesus Christ is not alone. When you call upon the name of Jesus you are also inviting the presence of our Heavenly Father and the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. These thrree powers can save you from death and eternal destruction.

You don’t need a phone to call Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, unlike calling your Mom, Dad, relatives, police or an ambulance, you do not need a phone to call Jesus Christ. As a matter of fact, a word spoken from your mouth is enough to invite Jesus into your life and situation.


Jesus does not delay.


Alt=Only Jesus Christ can help you defeat Satan


Fourth, when you are facing danger, it may take your family, police or an ambulace time to reach your location. This is not the case with our Lord Jesus Christ for it takes Jesus less that a second to reach your location.

Listen to what the written word of God says in Matthew 11:27-28:


All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.


Only Jesus Christ can give you eternal life.

Finally, when you facing death, none of the persons you call can give you eternal. Not even the police or the medical personnel. The only person who can facilitate your entry into Heaven is our Lord Jesus Christ.





Facing death? Call Jesus Christ.




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